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Mind The CAP - Climate Action Plan

Capacity Building in the field of Youth
🇱🇻 Latvia - Ecological Future Education
🇮🇹 Italy - Eurobox ETS
🇦🇹 Austria - Projektberatung Und Management Expert Assoziation

🇯🇴 Jordan – Support Youth Leaders
🇹🇳 Tunisia – Association De Volontariat Et Echange Culturel Et Action Des Jeunes


Being in line with the European Green Deal and the GreenComp, MindtheCAP project aims to foster long-term and large-scale behavioural change by bringing together young citizens, local communities, NGOs, and other European stakeholders, to involve them in a process of knowledge co-creation, awareness-raising, and context-based activism around climate change and sustainable development.

Objectives of the project:

- to set-up and operate a network of living labs for climate change and sustainable development education;

- to co-create, together with target groups and communities, a multidisciplinary competence framework, key competences, and innovative educational approaches, including distant learning;

- to test and demonstrate the framework in pilot educational interventions;

- to activate behavioural change through knowledge mobilisation;

- to improve knowledge, skill, and attitudes around climate change and sustainable development;

- to cluster and cooperate with the already existing and up-coming initiatives focusing on climate change and sustainable development;

- to deliver exploitable educational programmes and training material.

Implementation of the project:

- developing the European competence framework on climate change and sustainable development;
- preparing a catalogue of educational resources;

- setting up living labs on the topics of climate change and sustainable development;

- developing educational Initiatives aimed at improving knowledge, skills, and awareness on climate change and sustainability for young European citizens;

- assessing the impact of the competence framework and living labs’ activity on climate change and sustainable development knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the selected target groups.


Results of the project: 

The project gives a voice to new generations and together with them shapes the future strategies for sustainable development, for when given the opportunity, support and space to make a difference, youth can – and will – rise to the occasion.

The project’s key objectives are creating a robust framework for climate change education, setting up effective living labs, and mobilising knowledge to inspire behavioural change. The combination of co-creation with communities, targeted educational initiatives, and the collaborative approach with other organisations has contributed to a sustainable educational model that can be scaled and adapted for wider use across Europe and beyond.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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